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[編集] 小説プロモーショナル・カード
[編集] DragonConプロモーショナル・カード
[編集] ホリデーギフトカード
- Fruitcake Elemental
- Gifts Given
- Evil Presents
- Season's Beatings
- Snow Mercy
- Yule Ooze
- Naughty+Nice
- Stocking Tiger
- Mishra's Toy Workshop
- Goblin Sleigh Ride
- Thopter Pie Network
- Some Disassembly Required
- Bog Humbugs
- Decorated Knight - Present Arms
- Topdeck the Halls
- Last-Minute Chopping
- Chaos Wrap
- Seasonal Sequels
- Eggnogger's 'Stache
[編集] HASCON・プロモーション・カード
- ダンジョンズ・アンド・ドラゴンズの剣/Sword of Dungeons & Dragons
- Grimlock, Dinobot Leader - Grimlock, Ferocious King
- Nerf War
[編集] Heroes of the Realm
- Collectigull - Only the Best
- Keeper of the Secret Lair
- War of the Spark
- Champions of Archery - Join the Group
- Myntasha, Honored One
- The Cinematic Phoenix
- Fabled Path of Searo Point
- Treizeci, Sun of Serra
- Elusen, the Giving
- Heroes of Kamigawa
- Svega, the Unconventional
- Wizard from Beyond
[編集] Ponies: The Galloping
- Nightmare Moon - Princess Luna
- Princess Twilight Sparkle
- Rarity
[編集] Secret Lair x The Walking Dead
- Rick, Steadfast Leader(Greymond, Avacyn's Stalwart)
- Daryl, Hunter of Walkers(Hansk, Slayer Zealot)
- Glenn, the Voice of Calm(Gregor, Shrewd Magistrate)
- Michonne, Ruthless Survivor(Enkira, Hostile Scavenger)
- Negan, the Cold-Blooded(Malik, Grim Manipulator)
- Lucille(Gisa's Favorite Shovel)
[編集] Secret Lair x Stranger Things
- Chief Jim Hopper (Sophina, Spearsage Deserter)
- Dustin, Gadget Genius (Hargilde, Kindly Runechanter)
- Eleven, the Mage (Cecily, Haunted Mage)
- Lucas, the Sharpshooter (Bjorna, Nightfall Alchemist)
- Max, the Daredevil (Elmar, Ulvenwald Informant)
- Mike, the Dungeon Master (Othelm, Sigardian Outcast)
- Mind Flayer, the Shadow (精神のフレイル、アルヴィノクス/Arvinox, the Mind Flail)
- Will the Wise (Wernog, Rider's Chaplain)
- Hawkins National Laboratory - The Upside Down (Havengul Laboratory - Havengul Mystery)
[編集] Secret Lair x Street Fighter
- E. Honda, Sumo Champion(世紀の群れ使い、バルディン/Baldin, Century Herdmaster)
- Ryu, World Warrior(Vikya, Scorching Stalwart)
- Ken, Burning Brawler(Aisha of Sparks and Smoke)
- Blanka, Ferocious Friend(The Howling Abomination)
- Chun-Li, Countless Kicks(Zethi Arcane Blademaster)
- Dhalsim, Pliable Pacifist(Tadeas, Juniper Ascendant)
- Guile, Sonic Soldier(Immard the Stormcleaver)
- Zangief, the Red Cyclone(Maarika, Brutal Gladiator)
[編集] Secret Lair x Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
- Xenk, Paladin Unbroken
- Simon, Wild Magic Sorcerer
- Forge, Neverwinter Charlatan
- Holga, Relentless Rager
- Doric, Nature's Warden - Doric, Owlbear Avenger
- Edgin, Larcenous Lutenist
- Themberchaud
[編集] Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings
[編集] Ponies: The Galloping 2
[編集] Secret Lair x Tomb Raider
[編集] Secret Lair x Doctor Who™: Regeneration
[編集] Secret Lair x Marvel
- Black Panther, Wakandan King
- Captain America, First Avenger
- Iron Man, Titan of Innovation
- Storm, Force of Nature
- Wolverine, Best There Is
[編集] Magic conプロモーション・カード
[編集] 特殊カード
- 1996 World Champion
- Fraternal Exaltation
- Phoenix Heart
- Proposal
- Robot Chicken
- Shichifukujin Dragon
- Splendid Genesis
- 屠殺者ガラク/Garruk the Slayer
- Baldur's Gate Wilderness